Delaware Valley Music Club
Celebrating music since 1920
About Us

School children enjoying Marie Paxson program

DVMC annual luncheon

Vera Quartet
The Delaware Valley Music Club was founded in 1920 by a small group of women who enjoyed good music and each other’s company. In that more ‘genteel’ time, the group was initially called “The Salon Music Club” since they would primarily meet at the homes of the members and conduct their musical soirees in the ‘salon’ rooms. They established a tradition of participating in an annual luncheon.
As the group grew from a handful of approximately 15 members, they needed to find a larger venue to hold their events in. They often met at the Kalmia Club facility in Lambertville New Jersey which was owned by another group of forward thinking women. The music club grew slowly over the years and approached 50 members in the 1940s. In the 1947-1948 time frame the club by-laws were renewed and the name of the group was changed to The Delaware Valley Music Club (DVMC).
In May 1964 Bart Pitman, a young student, performed for the DVMC. He went on to study at Oberlin College and became an accomplished pianist and organist. After his untimely accidental death the Pitman family established a music scholarship fund in his memory which continues to this day.
Following the death of founding member Marie Paxson, a memorial fund was established in 1967. This fund sponsors music performances in local schools, by distinguished musicians. It also encourages musical performances by young people through monetary awards and stipends.
In the 1970s and into the 1980s a number of the DVMC members formed a small chorus which would perform on special occasions and at the annual Members Musicale.
The DVMC was incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania on August 31st 1994 as a ‘Not For Profit Corporation’.
As we entered the new millennium the DVMC had grown from a handful of women to approximately 100 people which also included men. We have continued to hold the cherished annual luncheon and the Members Musicale. We continue the legacy of the Bart Pitman Memorial Music Scholarship Fund and the Marie Paxson Memorial Fund for music appreciation in the schools.
We look forward to celebrating our 100th anniversary in 2020 and to continue the music appreciation that was established by that small group of women back in 1920.